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腐败发生的重要根源在于公职人员的利益冲突,利益冲突的重要根源在于公职人员权力观的错位。树立“权为民所赋,权为民所用”的马克思主义权力观,从制度层面上规范和监督公共权力的运行过程,通过合理的制度安排使公共权力与私人利益相分离,从而阻断公职人员以权谋私的通道,最终达到预防腐败的目的。  相似文献   
我国《刑法》第17条第2款规定:"已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投放危险物质罪的,应当负刑事责任。"对于这8种犯罪是指犯罪行为还是具体罪名,刑法学界展开了激烈的争论,大体上有罪行说、罪名说两种观点。相对刑事责任年龄承担责任范围的标准具有不确定性,对于相对刑事责任年龄承担刑事责任的范围标准不能一概而论,应该具体问题具体分析。因此在罪行说和罪名说的基础上引入附条件的刑事责任年龄制,对于完善相对刑事责任年龄人承担责任范围的标准具有一定意义。  相似文献   
In this study, we analyse 32 district court decisions regarding custody transfers from the birth parents to the foster parents in Sweden. When a child has been in foster care for three years, in order to enhance stability for child, the local social welfare committee considers a transferral of custody to the foster parents following an application to the district court. Although all but one of the decisions in our study favoured a custody transfer, the courts acknowledge different reasons for this. Specifically, there is vagueness about whether or not functioning contact between the child and birth parents is a hindrance in custody transfer. Our findings stress the need for clarification in the law regarding the criteria for custody transfer in order to reach a more unified judgment. Furthermore, the district courts do not sufficiently acknowledge children’s views, and we suggest that children and young people should be made more visible in the decision-making process.  相似文献   
The Marikana massacre ruptured the South African sociopolitical horizon in August 2012. This analysis aims to expose or make visible the scopic regimes at work when interpreting the event. By referencing Judith Butler’s “frame theory” (2009) and Nicholas Mirzoeff’s “the right to look” (2011), the event is unpacked, among other things, as the volatile intersection of differing world views and technics of vision. Three scopic frames are used to interrogate the event: the first aims to unmask “oversights” during the event, whereas the remaining two deal more with inversions of sight which bear on “foresight” and “insight”. In terms of oversight, the first frame refers to the overseeing or invigilation of the event via instruments of visuality or vision machines (e.g. satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters), promising complete transparency. The second oversight comes in the representations of the events as media spectacle, becoming part of a new mediated visibility. The final oversight refers to the miners as subalterns becoming visible in a system that renders them invisible from the start. The second cluster of the visual complex, namely the appeal to foresight, surfaces through the calling on a Sangoma (traditional healer) for muti (traditional medicine) to render the miners invincible/invisible to the enemy. The third and final cluster refers to artists Ayanda Mabulu’s Yakhal’inkomoBlack man’s cry (2013) and Mary Wafer’s Mine exhibition (2012), aiming to provide some insight into the unrepresentability of the event.  相似文献   
The question of whether public organizations should provide services themselves or buy them from external suppliers has become increasingly relevant due to public-sector modernization. The literature has focused on it as a question of either make or buy. Contrarily, we focus on the reasons for public organizations to simultaneously produce and contract out similar services. The article investigates different theoretical explanations for concurrent make and buy. A survey of Danish municipalities shows that make and buy seems to be a steady choice. However, the results show little support for the theoretical explanations indicating the need for more public-oriented explanations.  相似文献   
青年是祖国的未来、民族的希望,是创建青春之党的中流砥柱,党和国家的前途命运系于青年。因此,全党都要关注关心关爱青年,特别是要关注青年成长、关心青年就业、关爱青年身心。广大青年更要红心向党建功立业,自觉地爱党爱祖国爱人民、坚定理想信念、增长知识本领、锤炼品德意志,努力成长为对党和人民有用的栋梁之才。  相似文献   
胡锦涛的团结观建构在马克思主义团结观的基础之上,是对毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民团结思想的继承和发展,是凝聚人心、完成执政使命的必然。从"斗争思维"向"合作思维"的转变是胡锦涛团结观的逻辑前提,胡锦涛重视团结意识的强化,主张"建设和谐社会",用中国特色社会主义伟大事业凝聚人心、增进共识、促进团结。当下,胡锦涛的团结观有着重要的启示。  相似文献   
我国上市公司偏好于股权融资,这会对公司经营业绩、治理机制以及社会经济事业产生负面影响。控股股东义利观的倒置会造成公司经营业绩的下滑及公司治理机制的恶化,管理机构义利观模糊状态下的监管失位则会导致资本市场的不健康发展及公众利益受损.原因就在于股权分置。流通股股东与非流通股股东价值理念的冲突是股权融资偏好形成并发展的内生因素,而政府习惯性干预市场的思维方式则是外生因素。只有切实提高上市公司股东及政府经济伦理意识并完善以职业经理人市场和监管制度为代表的制度安排,才能改变股权融资偏好状况。实现经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
人类社会发展观的演变与现代化进程是紧密相关的,因为发展观的演变不仅是一种思想理论的演变,更是社会变迁、进步与发展所要求的。发展观的演变经历了这样一个过程,从经济增长发展观到综合发展观,再到以人为核心的发展观,直至今天的科学发展观。而与发展观相对应,社会管理的侧重点也发生了相应变化,从经济管理到综合管理,再到人性管理,直至科学管理。对于符合发展要求的科学发展观,要不断坚持贯彻和落实,把科学发展观所包含的科学管理模式和方法应用到社会建设的方方面面,推动中国社会不断向前发展。  相似文献   
马克思使辩证法走向历史的深处,以实践观更新了以往哲学家观察历史和现实的方式,指出社会存在决定社会意识。历史唯物主义对中国知识界的思想启蒙,更新了中国人的政治观念,形成了百余年来中国社会发展的生动图景。改革开放为中国社会发展提供了新的历史契机,形成了灵活运用历史唯物主义的实践自觉。推动改革进一步走向深入,必须深入研究历史唯物主义实践观及其中国化进程,形成与当今中国经济和政治发展相适应的文化气象,这是推动中国改革的实际需要,也是在新的时代条件下实现中国梦的必由之路。  相似文献   
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